What is Delta-8 THC

Delta-8-THC is a minor cannabinoid, occurring in the plant in very small concentrations. Delta-8-THC is also known to be a degraded form of THC, and is not directly produced by cannabinoid-synthesizing enzymes within the plant. When THC is stored for a period of time, it degrades into delta-8-THC.

Delta-8 vs Delta 9

Delta-8-THC is distinct from the THC that is often mentioned in conversation about cannabis. What we refer to as THC usually means delta-9-THC, the main form of THC found in cannabis. Delta-8-THC is an analog of delta-9-THC, a molecule with a similar structure, but some notable differences. While the two share many similar properties, such as reportedly stimulating appetite, reducing nausea, and soothing pain, delta-8-THC tends to exhibit a lower psychotropic potency than delta-9-THC.

What are the effects of Delta-8 THC?

Researchers linked Delta 8-THC to anti-nausea (antiemetic), anti-anxiety (anxiolytic), and pain relief (analgesic) benefits, among other effects. Delta 8-THC could stimulate your appetite. It could also protect brain cells thanks to its neuroprotective effects.
Many users claim Delta 8-THC gives them a more clear-headed high, for example. Because Delta 8-THC is a form of THC, it still gets you high – but many people claim they don’t feel out of control. Some claim to feel energized and motivated after taking Delta 8-THC – not lethargic.

Is Delta-8 THC legal?

In 2018, the Farm Bill was signed into law. That legislation states that all derivatives of hemp are completely legal in the United States as long as they do not contain more than .3% Delta 9 THC. Our Delta 8 THC products are absolutely legal since the ingredients have been derived from hemp, and do not contain more than .3% Delta 9 THC.